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Mediafour XPlay v3.5.1
| 18.04.2010, 12:48 |
XPlay - это программное обеспечение, позволяющее пользователям
Windows использовать плейер Apple iPod. XPlay основан на собственной
технологии Mediafour - MacDrive. iPod будет виден как музыкальный плейер
и как обычный жесткий диск на Wintel-системах. Интеграция с Windows
Explorer позволяет пользователю управлять песнями, плей-листами,
списками исполнителей и альбомами как стандартными файлами и папками на
жестком диске PC. Можно также пользоваться утилитой для синхронизации
содержания iPod со своей коллекцией музыки.
XPlay expands
what you can do with any iPod, including the iPhone and touch, and a
Windows computer. From copying music off your iPod to copying photos on,
XPlay fills in the holes giving you more power to manage your music,
photos and more.
XPlay 3 has always given you direct
access to your iPod, meaning when you plug in your iPod it is listed as a
drive on your system. Now that power is added for iPhone and iPod touch
users. There is no application, no middle man to get in the way. Simply
click on your iPod and start organizing.
XPlay also
believes in cross-platform harmony. XPlay includes MacDrive technology
enabling you to use both Mac and Windows formatted iPods with any XP or
Vista computer. You also get management options. While XPlay is the
perfect complement to iTunes, XPlay also makes it possible to use your
iPod with Windows Media Player or Vista Media Center.
XPlay v3.5.1 • Fixed: Compatibility with iTunes 9.1 • Fixed:
Album art changes not working reliably • Fixed: Context menus in
"Recent Music Purchases" don't work • Fixed: Compatibility with
Windows 7 Starter Edition • Fixed: "Support Information" link not
working reliably • Fixed: High processor usage when iTunes isn't
installed • Fixed: Various connectivity issues with iPod touch and
iPhone • Fixed: Compatibility with 3rd-generation (and older) iPods •
Fixed: Copying songs between iPods can lose tag information (Windows 7) •
Fixed: iPod tray icon not showing reliably • Fixed: Copying songs
from the iPod doesn't create correct folder structure (64-bit Windows) •
Fixed: Various fixes and minor improvements
Сайт / Site:
www.mediafour.com ОС / OS: Windows 7 (32-bit & 64-bit),
Vista (32-bit & 64-bit), or XP (32-bit, SP2 or newer) Язык /
Language: Английский (English) Размер / Size: 15.56 Mb
Категория: Мультимедия | Добавил: MyriK
Просмотров: 580 | Загрузок: 224
| Рейтинг: 0.0/0 |
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